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Instructions: How to participate in our 2022 virtual AGM

As virtual shareholder 원피스 바카라 technology continues to advance, and matters of public health and safety remain top of mind, TC Energy will hold its 2022 Annual 원피스 바카라 of Shareholders in a virtual-only format with a live webcast.

The 원피스 바카라 will be available online:

Rules of Conduct


The virtual 원피스 바카라 format will enable shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders to vote, ask questions and provide feedback to TC Energy. Our directors and management believe this format will provide shareholders a safer alternative to a physical 원피스 바카라 and will allow for participation of all shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders, regardless of their geographic location. It also is a more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly way to engage with shareholders. We are making every effort to replicate the elements of our in-person meetings and provide an equivalent experience to participants.

For shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders, we continue to encourage voting and submitting questions in advance.

Additional information on how to access the online 원피스 바카라 can be found in the Q&A below, or in our2022 Management information circular.