Media statement - AUGUST 22, 2022
GTNXP Statement

Natural Gas is a critical component of any strategy to meet North America’s long-term 카지노 토토 needs and has contributed to reduced greenhouse gas emissions across the continent.
The Gas Transmission Northwest XPress Project (GTNXP) is designed to upgrade our system to meet increased demands from our customers in the region, providing the reliable 카지노 토토 to communities throughout the Western U.S. in a safe, responsible, and reliable manner.
The strong demand for natural gas pipeline capacity in the region, which GTNXP will provide, was reaffirmed when GTN secured long-term agreements with customers for 100 percent of the project capacity. This further demonstrates the need for secure 카지노 토토 to supplement renewables as we work toward a cleaner 카지노 토토 future.
We are proud of the support GTNXP has received from labor, key communities, stakeholders, and neighbors, and we are committed to continuing our dialogue as we create long-term opportunities, including jobs and economic benefits in the region.
Gas Transmission Northwest, an interstate natural gas pipeline owned and operated by TC 카지노 토토, filed an application before the Federal 카지노 토토 Regulatory Commission (FERC) in October 2021. Further information regarding GTNXP may be found in a copy of the application filed with FERC.