Wisconsin Reliability 바카라 배팅 법
Wisconsin Reliability 바카라 배팅 법
A proposed natural Gas 바카라 배팅 법
TC Energy’s Wisconsin Reliability 바카라 배팅 법 is a set of projects designed to increase base system reliability and expand an existing portion of the ANR Pipeline Company (ANR) system to serve markets in the midwestern U.S., while lowering emissions by approximately 30,000 metric tons CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) per year. This is an equivalent to removing more than 6,500 passenger vehicles from the road annually.
By expanding its system, ANR will be able to provide up to an incremental 144,000 dekatherms per day of natural gas capacity to local area distribution and electric generation companies in markets that have recently announced significant coal fired generation retirements. The 바카라 배팅 법’s facilities include, in part, the installation of electric motor compressors with fuel switching capabilities for additional reliability to replace existing gas-powered compressor units along ANR’s system.
The 바카라 배팅 법 also involves replacing approximately 51-miles existing pipeline throughout Wisconsin and North Illinois with new pipeline to increase system efficiency and reliability while meeting the increased market demand.
Furthermore, the 바카라 배팅 법 will upgrade and replace the current gas compression facilities with hybrid units at the Kewaskum and Weyauwega stations. This initiative will lead to a net decrease in the 바카라 배팅 법’s direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Additionally, upgrades will be made to the existing meter stations in Lena, Merrill, Oshkosh, South Wausau, Stevens Point, and Two Rivers.
Key 바카라 배팅 법 Components
Increased capacity and reduced GHG emissions will be achieved through the installation of strategic, incremental facilities and upgrading existing infrastructure with brand-new, more efficient facilities.
Associated labor income
Economic output
Local and state tax revenue
바카라 배팅 법 timeline
Pre-file FERC application submitted
February 2022
FERC application filed
October 2022
FERC Certificate issued
December 2023
FERC issued Notice-to-Proceed
March 2024
Anticipated construction begins
November 2024
Targeted 바카라 배팅 법 In-service
November 2025
Land restoration completion
NOTE: Dates shown are based on current understanding of the facts and are subject to change.
Community Investment
In 2022, TC Energy’s Community Investment provided more than2,900in 바카라 배팅 법 and over0,100in Illinois together through TC Energy and TC Energy Foundation, helping to build strong communities with a focus area in resilient communities, education, environment and safety.
Construction Overview
TC Energy is excited to announce the commencement of the Wisconsin Reliability 바카라 배팅 법. Pre-construction work on compressor stations began in the second quarter of 2024. Site preparations along the 바카라 배팅 법’s pipeline route will begin in November 2024 and completion targeted for 2026. We remain committed to our planned in-service date in 2025. These dates are subject to change, so please check here frequently for consistently posted construction updates, road closures, and other community impacts.
Construction updates
Q3 2024: Construction has stared on the Oshkosh Meter Station
Tree removal will begin in Q4 2024 in Homestead Hollow County Park, Washington County, WI
- This will impact several trails across the entire park. Signage will be placed across the park to inform patrons and updates will be available with Park

Join our
Virtual Open House
We invite you to visit the virtual open house to learn all about this critical 바카라 배팅 법, view the interactive map, and submit feedback or questions.
What is your standard for pipeline safety?
Safe and efficient natural gas delivery is a foundational value for TC Energy and its employees. Through more than a century of operating experience and technological advancement we have developed one of the safest and most reliable energy transportation networks in the world. We monitor our system 24 hours per day, seven days per week and are constantly utilizing the latest in technology to maintain the highest possible integrity standards.
How will you communicate with the public?
TC Energy is dedicated to being a responsible neighbor and good corporate citizen and as part of this pledge, we are committed to maintaining ongoing, consistent and productive dialogue about our work. We are committed to sharing information widely with all stakeholders including residents, businesses and others throughout the region. If you have any additional questions about the 바카라 배팅 법, please email us atwrp_info@tcenergy.comor contact us at (262) 202-8181.
Homestead Hollow Park Q&A
What is the construction timeline?
Construction is slated to begin in Q4 2024 with environmental and area restoration inspections and associated mitigation work planned through 2026. However, Homestead Hollow County Park’s Restoration Plan may differ based on ongoing discussions with Washington County Park Officials and other land and environmental experts.
Why are sections of the pipeline construction routed through the park?
The expansion of commercial enterprises surrounding the existing pipeline has led to a shortage of temporary workspaces necessary for safe installation. While alternative routes were explored, this route emerged as the most viable option, considering the area's growth and plans for subdivisions and commercial developments in the future.
Has Washington County Parks Department (WASHCO) been involved in construction planning?
Since 2022, TC Energy has actively collaborated with WASHCO to leverage feedback alongside environmental, engineering, and restoration experts, ensuring overall environmental protection, satisfaction and alignment.
What happens after construction ends?
The park will be restored back to similar or improved pre-construction conditions as part of our restoration plan. We’ve been working closely with WASHCO Park personnel and environmental experts to ensure we protect the environment.
Will the park be available for community use, especially for special events?
Yes! The amenities of the park will be available during construction, including the soccer fields, dog park, fishing pond, sled hill and the barn hall. A trail closure plan was created with WASHCO personnel that will temporarily close portions of the trail system during construction. The impacted areas will be visibly marked with signage.
Will construction activities increase traffic around the park and/or limit parking spaces?
During construction, ANR will not utilize the parking lot at all. All construction activities will be confined to the easement and designated workspaces. Traffic management plans will be developed in accordance with the 바카라 배팅 법 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and adhered to industry best practices.
How is safety monitored during construction?
Safety inspectors will be present during construction to monitor all activities and daily safety meetings will be held in adherence to a Site-Specific Safety Plan.
Will this add increased traffic around the park?
ANR will not be using the parking lot in any way during construction. All construction access will be contained within the easement and associated workspaces. Traffic Management plans will be implemented based on 바카라 배팅 법 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and industry best practices.
How will we monitor safety during construction?
Safety Inspectors will be present during construction to monitor all activities, daily safety meetings will be held in adherence to a Site-Specific Safety Plan.
Where can patrons get additional questions answered?
If you have any additional questions about the 바카라 배팅 법, email your questions to:wrp_info@tcenergy.comor contact us at(262) 202-8181.
How are we regulated?
The Wisconsin Reliability 바카라 배팅 법 is governed according to regulations outlined by theU.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). For further information contact us or contact FERC directly.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Ways to reach us
TC Energy is committed to sharing information widely with all stakeholders including residents, businesses and others throughout the region. Our 바카라 배팅 법 representatives will be in the community, having one-on-one conversations and will stay in touch. If you have any questions about the 바카라 배팅 법, please contact us.
Landowner Inquiries
Craig Summerfield
Write to us
700 Louisiana Steet
Houston, Texas 77002