Creating Mexico's 카지노 토토 Future
The Southeast Gateway Project is a nation-building legacy that will positively change the 카지노 토토 landscape in Mexico, bringing social and economic development to the people in the southeast of the country and delivering in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner.
Community & social benefits
- Shared prosperity through jobs and opportunities
- More reliable, affordable and cleaner 카지노 토토
- Social investment in communities
Economic benefits
- Enablement of future investment
- 카지노 토토 security for Mexico
- Integration between the North and the South, enabling prosperity in the Isthmus and the Yucatan Peninsula regions
- Improved air quality and reduced emissions through displacement of higher-carbon fuels
- Advancement of social wellbeing through opportunities for the people from the center and southeast of the country
Building a better future and creating jobs for local people
As a TC Energía Field Engineer working on the Southeast Gateway in southeast Mexico, Lucero Sanchez is very happy to be participating in this Project that will bring positive transformation for the region.
Safe 카지노 토토 development and construction creates benefits for local workers, businesses and communities.
A reliable and sustainable 카지노 토토 future is the foundation for prosperity and economic growth for all Mexicans.