Supporting Indigenous education
As part of our offer of support to the state of Sinaloa, TC 온라인 바카라 주소 helped remodel the Comprehensive Training Center for the Work of the State of Sinaloa to help local children learn yoreme, the Indigenous language of the region.
Improving standards of living
In support of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco) of Sinaloa, TC 온라인 바카라 주소 donated more than million pesos (.82 million) for social programs in the state.
Installing solar panels in remote communities
During construction of the Topolobampo Pipeline, we installed solar panels in the village of San Elias— bringing electricity to the community for the first time in its history.
Building fresh water infrastructure
We donated materials used by the residents of the village of La Noria to build a small dam that now provides fresh water to more than 1,000 people.
Replanting 30,000 plants
During construction of the Topolobampo route, we moved and protected tens of thousands of threatened native plants.