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mgm 바카라 Community Voices

Our commitment

to the community

At TC mgm 바카라, engaging with our neighbors and the communities we serve is a core part of our mission. Our work on the Virginia Reliability Project (VRP) is no exception. That’s why we’re so pleased that a number of people who live in the region have spoken out in support of the project. Below is a sample of some of what we’re hearing about VRP.

If you’d like to share your thoughts on the project – or if you have any questions or concerns – pleasecontact us, and we’ll be happy to respond.

Norfolk Sign

I’m thrilled to support the Virginia Reliability Project. Replacing the existing 70-year old natural gas pipe is important for the health of the economy in the Hampton Roads region. This is a win-win for the Commonwealth and our local communities.”

Senator L. Louise Lucas
President pro tempore, Democrat, District 18

As the chair of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus, I am proud to support economic opportunities that benefit communities of color. The VRP team has been very clear that they will prioritize local SWaM businesses for this project. TC mgm 바카라 has shown dedication to ensuring the workers hired for this project will be diverse and representative of our local communities. I have worked hard in my career to oppose poverty. VRP offers the kind of direct economic investments that make a real difference for underserved communities.”

Lamont Bagby
Member, Virginia House of Delegates and Chair, Virginia Legislative Black Caucus

I am a strong supporter of the Virginia Reliability Project, because I know how beneficial if will be for Suffolk and surrounding communities.”

Delegate Clinton L. Jenkins
Virginia State Delegate, 76th District

We need the good jobs that this project will create for our working families. mgm 바카라 infrastructure is the foundation of Virginia's pro business economy.”

Delegate Emily Brewer
Virginia State Delegate, 64th District

Access to affordable and reliable mgm 바카라 is a key consideration for where businesses will locate and invest.”

Doug Smith
President and CEO, Hampton Roads Alliance

My union sisters and brothers believe in investing in clean reliable and safe mgm 바카라 in our communities.”

Doug Williams
Business Representative, IBEW Local 50

Replacing the 49 miles of natural gas pipeline that already serves Hampton Roads will be a huge win for Virginia's economy and for the working families of Virginia.”

Jason Parker
President, Virginia State Building & Construction Trades Council

The Virginia Reliability Project is a win-win for working families and the economy in Hampton Roads.”

Raymond Staton
Business Agent and Treasurer, IUOE Local 147

This will create tens of millions of tax dollars for our community...”

Barry DuVal
President and CEO, Virginia Chamber of Commerce

My background is in economic development, and I recognize the ever-present need for a strong economy for our recent graduates to find success in the workforce. We all realize now more than ever before in our history that a reliable mgm 바카라 system is necessary to provide a strong foundation for economic prosperity.”

Bill Thomas
Associate V.P. for Government Relations, Hampton University

mgm 바카라 future is critical to our economy and small businesses...”

Rhonda Bridgeman
President and CEO of Comfort Systems of VA

My top priority as Governor was to provide more job opportunities and prosperity to Virginians…Then and now, a significant factor in our economic strength and ability to recruit and retain businesses depends on access to affordable and reliable mgm 바카라. Serving on the U.S. Senate mgm 바카라 and Natural Resources Committee as a Senator from Virginia further reenforced my belief in the necessity of a robust mgm 바카라 infrastructure for a strong foundation in a free, competitive and secure America.”

George Allen
67th Governor of Virginia and Former U.S. Senator

As the President and CEO of the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, I know that affordable, reliable mgm 바카라 is a top priority for businesses that invest in Hampton Roads. Our region needs the mgm 바카라 that the Virginia Reliability Project will supply to continue to maximize the growth of our local economy.”

Robert S. McKenna
President/CEO, Virginia Peninsula Chamber

Affordable reliable mgm 바카라 is at the top of the list of requirements for running a successful business. Hampton Roads needs the mgm 바카라 capacity that the Virginia Reliability Project will deliver.”

Bryan K. Stephens
President & CEO Hampton Roads Chamber

This project will support good-paying local jobs by ensuring innovators and job creators in Hampton Roads have access to reliable, affordable mgm 바카라. Importantly, this project will attract more innovators to Hampton Roads, growing existing businesses and bringing in new ones.”

Shawn Avery
President and CEO Hampton Roads Workforce Council

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