바카라 꽁 머니 Needs, Benefits & FAQ
Meeting the current and future needs
of the Hampton Roads region
Columbia Gas Transmission’s (TCO) Virginia Reliability Project (VRP) would replace two existing segments of the TCO pipeline system to ensure reliable and abundant natural gas supply. TCO has been providing 바카라 꽁 머니 to the Hampton Roads region for more than 70 years through their existing pipeline system. As demand for natural gas rises across the region, these updates will improve natural gas reliability and help meet the current and future needs of the Hampton Roads region.
The project involves replacing approximately 48 miles of 12-inch diameter pipeline with 24-inch diameter pipeline with state-of-the-art steel pipe along with technology that will help enhance reliability along the TCO system.

Enhancing Emporia Compressor Station
A new state-of-the-art, emission and environmentally friendly hybrid compressor unit will be installed at the Emporia Compressor Station. The unit will run exclusively on electricity under normal operating conditions, during which time it would not produce emissions. To ensure local 바카라 꽁 머니 reliability, this unit will have natural gas back-up power in the event of power outages. This hybrid unit will help limit additional carbon emissions in Virginia.
Enhancing the system to meet existing and growing needs will create significant positive economic impacts across the region to offset the more than billion lost in economic growth over the last five years due to a shortage of available natural gas supply.

Economics at a glance
An economic analysis estimates that this project would provide an estimated one-time increase of economic activity to Virginia during construction that would support approximately:
jobs4.5 million
in associated labor income2.6 million
in economic output.7 million
in local tax revenue.6 million
in state tax revenueLocal Economic Impacts Sheets
Local and County-Specific Economic Benefits Fact Sheets
The project is expected to begin construction in Q1/Q2 of 2024 with a projected in-service date of November 1, 2025.
TC 바카라 꽁 머니 has been providing safe, reliable service for heating and cooling purposes in Southern Virginia for over 50 years and strives to continue to be a good neighbor. Additionally, affected landowners, towns, communities and local, state, and federal governments and agencies involved in the project will be notified.
Anticipated Schedule (subject to change)
Activity | Anticipated Date |
FERC Pre-filing | December 2021 |
FERC Filing | Q3 2022 |
Requested FERC Certificate | Q4 2023 |
Begin Construction | Q1/Q2 2024 |
In-Service | November 1, 2025 |
Frequently Asked Questions
You asked, we answered
TC 바카라 꽁 머니 will continue to have regular and robust conversations with local communities – both residents and businesses - to share information and answer questions about our plans to replace the existing pipe with new technology to help drive the region’s economic future.
What follows is a list of frequently asked questions about the VRP. If your question is not listed below, or if you would like additional information, pleasecontact usand a team member will be in touch shortly with a response.

What are you proposing?
The Virginia Reliability Project (VRP or Project) would replace an existing segment of the TCO Pipeline System to ensure a reliable and abundant natural gas supply. TCO has been providing 바카라 꽁 머니 to the Hampton Roads region for more than 70 years through the existing pipeline. As demand for natural gas rises across the region, these updates will improve natural gas reliability and help meet the current and future needs of the Hampton Roads region.
The Project will replace approximately 48 miles of 12-inch-diameter pipeline with 24-inch-diameter state-of-the-art steel pipeline along along the TCO system.
Additionally, at the Emporia Compressor Station, a new state-of-the-art, emission and environmentally friendly hybrid compressor unit will be installed. The unit will run exclusively on electricity under normal operating conditions, during which time it would not produce emissions, and will be able to switch to a natural gas engine drive to ensure reliability in the case of a power outage or required maintenance. A facility upgrade involving additional gas cooling will occur at the Petersburg Compressor Station.
What infrastructure is currently on the right of way?
Installed in the late 1950’s, the VM-107 and VM-108 lines run from Sussex County to Chesapeake along the existing right of way. This line consists of 12-inch-diameter pipeline, largely set in trenches and passing underneath various crossings of water bodies, roads and similar features. Also located along the line is a tie in and various pipeline inspection gauge receiver / launcher stations for pipe monitoring. The line serves Columbia’s network throughout the region and aids in delivery of natural gas 바카라 꽁 머니 for homes and businesses throughout Virginia.
What has taken place on the corridor with regards to surveying?
Columbia has been reviewing the 바카라 꽁 머니 infrastructure needs in the area. We have been reaching out by mail and in person to more than 700 landowners along the corridor to notify and seek permission to access lands for the purpose of surveying. These surveys began in late summer and were conducted into the fall of 2021 in order to better understand the geographic landscape of the existing corridor. These surveys are commonly performed on Columbia infrastructure and are essential to our continued evaluation of facilities and future needs for improvements so we can continue to move gas safely and reliably.
What type of information were you looking for during these surveys?
Through our surveying, we focus on investigating the geography of the area and any special or distinct environmental features along the corridor. These surveys are environmental and civil in nature.
What is your standard for pipeline safety?
Safe and efficient natural gas delivery is a foundational value for TC 바카라 꽁 머니 and its employees. Through more than a century of operating experience and technological advancement we have developed one of the safest and most reliable 바카라 꽁 머니 transportation networks in the world. We monitor our system 24 hours per day, seven days per week and are constantly utilizing the latest in technology to maintain the highest possible integrity standards.
How will you communicate with the public?
TC 바카라 꽁 머니 is dedicated to being a responsible neighbor and good corporate citizen and as part of this pledge, we are committed to maintaining ongoing, consistent and productive dialogue about our work. We are committed to sharing information widely with all stakeholders including residents, businesses and others throughout the region. Our project representatives will be in the community, having one on one conversations and will stay in touch through a regular email newsletter, which you can sign up for by following the directions below. If you have any questions about the project, please visit thecontact us pageor call us at (888) 499-3450. We look forward to speaking with you.
What are the opportunities for public input?
TC 바카라 꽁 머니 has launched avirtual open housewhere you can learn all about this critical project, view the interactive map, and submit feedback or questions.
TC 바카라 꽁 머니 held open house events in communities along the route in April 2022. Throughout the permitting process, TC 바카라 꽁 머니 will be sure to communicate opportunities for input and comment with our neighbors along the project route and through this website. As always, we encourage residents, business owners and all neighbors to share their thoughts and questions via thecontact us page.
Early involvement by you and others will help FERC staff evaluate the proposed VRP’s potential impact. Once the Project has been filed and assigned a docket number, you can provide FERC with written comments and concerns about the potential impacts of the Project. You can also contact us directly with your specific comments or concerns about the Project. Additional information is available onFERC’s website.
How long will construction take?
We anticipate beginning work by the second quarter of 2024 and expect that the project will be in service in late 2025.
What is the anticipated economic impact of this project in the short- and long-term?
An economic analysis estimates that this project would provide an estimated one-time increase of economic activity to Virginia during construction that would support approximately:
- 3,635 jobs
- 4.5 million in associated labor income
- 2.6 million in economic output
- .7 million in local tax revenue
- .6 million in state tax revenue
Will my gas service be interrupted?
We do not forsee any gas service interruptions resulting from work being done on Virginia Reliability Project. In the event a gas interruption does occur, we anticipate it would be minimal, with services resuming quickly.
What is the overall timeline?
Following is an overview of the anticipated schedule and timeline for Virginia Reliability Project. This information is subject to change and we will communicate those updates through our email newsletter and on this website.
Activity | Anticipated Date |
FERC Pre-filing | December 2021 |
FERC Filing | Q3 2022 |
Requested FERC Certificate | Q4 2023 |
Begin Construction | Q1/Q2 2024 |
In-Service | November 1, 2025 |
Will this project impact traffic or create noise in the community?
As part of our pledge for ongoing, regular and comprehensive community communications, our dedicated project outreach team will work to keep neighbors and all stakeholders updated on anticipated impacts resulting from construction. VRP will be built on the existing right-of-way, which minimizes community and environmental impact, but, as with any outdoor construction project, there will be moderate noise and some traffic impacts. We are working diligently to keep those inconveniences to a minimum and pledge to complete this work as quickly as possible.
Has TC 바카라 꽁 머니 completed projects similar to this one in other areas?
In 2020, TC 바카라 꽁 머니 commenced construction on BXP, the replacement of 66 miles of existing 20- and 24-inch pipeline with safer, more reliable, 36-inch diameter coated pipe, which enhanced the sustainability of TC 바카라 꽁 머니’s infrastructure in southeastern Ohio. The project, which was placed into service later that year January 1, 2021, improved reliability along a critical natural gas supply route in southern Ohio and helped support local economies devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, we hired locally, and gave back to the community by enlisting local restaurants—shuttered due to the pandemic—to feed our crews in the field while also making sure to support our medical heroes battling COVID-19.
Here’s a glimpse of just some of the positive feedback the project team received for their efforts:
“The business provided from your initiative to keep money local and supporting small business does not go unnoticed by us or by the other business owners in our area. The income provided from making one meal a week for your workers made it possible to keep the Café open during this pandemic. Although we are a very small operation, that alone kept one more person working during this uncertain time.”
– The Traders Café
“It is important to us during this time that we let you know what this has meant to our business. This week, we were able to bring back four workers that had been laid off due to this pandemic. … We enjoyed feeding your workers at the job site and bringing some positives back in to our community.”
– Armory Smokehouse and Bakery
“During these trying times, the protection of our personnel is of utmost importance and I can’t adequately express my gratitude for your assistance with securing much-needed face shields. These shields will greatly increase the safety of our crews while they perform high-risk, live-saving interventions, thus allowing us to safely care for our patients.”
– Patriot Emergency Medical Services
How can I get answers to my specific questions?
If you have any additional questions about the project, please visit thecontact us pageor call us at1-(888)-499-3450. We look forward to speaking with you.
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