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바카라 꽁 머니 Needs, Benefits & FAQ

Meeting the current and future needs

of the Hampton Roads region

Columbia Gas Transmission’s (TCO) Virginia Reliability Project (VRP) would replace two existing segments of the TCO pipeline system to ensure reliable and abundant natural gas supply. TCO has been providing 바카라 꽁 머니 to the Hampton Roads region for more than 70 years through their existing pipeline system. As demand for natural gas rises across the region, these updates will improve natural gas reliability and help meet the current and future needs of the Hampton Roads region.

The project involves replacing approximately 48 miles of 12-inch diameter pipeline with 24-inch diameter pipeline with state-of-the-art steel pipe along with technology that will help enhance reliability along the TCO system.

바카라 꽁 머니-vrp-Compressor-station.jpg

Enhancing Emporia Compressor Station

A new state-of-the-art, emission and environmentally friendly hybrid compressor unit will be installed at the Emporia Compressor Station. The unit will run exclusively on electricity under normal operating conditions, during which time it would not produce emissions. To ensure local 바카라 꽁 머니 reliability, this unit will have natural gas back-up power in the event of power outages. This hybrid unit will help limit additional carbon emissions in Virginia.

Enhancing the system to meet existing and growing needs will create significant positive economic impacts across the region to offset the more than billion lost in economic growth over the last five years due to a shortage of available natural gas supply.


Economics at a glance

An economic analysis estimates that this project would provide an estimated one-time increase of economic activity to Virginia during construction that would support approximately:



4.5 million

in associated labor income

2.6 million

in economic output

.7 million

in local tax revenue

.6 million

in state tax revenue


The project is expected to begin construction in Q1/Q2 of 2024 with a projected in-service date of November 1, 2025.

TC 바카라 꽁 머니 has been providing safe, reliable service for heating and cooling purposes in Southern Virginia for over 50 years and strives to continue to be a good neighbor. Additionally, affected landowners, towns, communities and local, state, and federal governments and agencies involved in the project will be notified.

Anticipated Schedule (subject to change)

Activity Anticipated Date
FERC Pre-filing December 2021
FERC Filing Q3 2022
Requested FERC Certificate Q4 2023
Begin Construction Q1/Q2 2024
In-Service November 1, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

You asked, we answered

TC 바카라 꽁 머니 will continue to have regular and robust conversations with local communities – both residents and businesses - to share information and answer questions about our plans to replace the existing pipe with new technology to help drive the region’s economic future.

What follows is a list of frequently asked questions about the VRP. If your question is not listed below, or if you would like additional information, pleasecontact usand a team member will be in touch shortly with a response.

Workers standing around discussing something

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