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Dec 3 2019

Gearing up for digital disruption

Posted by TC 무료 바카라 게임

Times are changingand our people in InformationServices (IS) are embracing the opportunity to approach ideas and innovation in a new way.

"There is a belief that we need to know if an idea is a good idea before we spend any time on it", says Chris Foster, Vice-President, Information Services and Chief Information Officer. “In reality, we won’t know if an idea is good or bad until we spend some time exploring it. So, we encourage our people to spend hours on lots of ideas, days on great ideas and weeks to deliver wins.”

Moving in the right direction

In 2017, TC 무료 바카라 게임 started working with Amazon Web Services (AWS), the largest cloud computing service in the world, to move some of our applications to the cloud. Initially, the partnership began to reduce costs related to server maintenance. That journey quickly evolved as more long-term benefits were realized, including the adoption oftheir approach to innovation.

“AWS has supported us in developing the technical capabilities and reducing our costs, and they have openly shared how they approach innovation,” states Chris. “While the technology has helped us achieveour goals, it’s the focus on outcome-based innovation that shifts our trajectory and makes us a better partner today than we were yesterday.”

무료 바카라 게임

This week, Chris andmanymembers of his team are at theAWSre:Inventconference,a conference for the global cloud computing community.Tamara Rego, Director, Digital Transformation Officewill present to thousands of aspiring digital disruptors about our innovation journey with AWS and how our people are instrumentalin this shift.

“We are leading the way for cloud adoption in our industry because of the talented people in our organization who were able to shift their capabilities to learn new skills and embrace change,says Tamara. “Our innovation journey is a success because we have transformed from an infrastructure intense world to value-driven technologies that support our future.”

Unlockingcreativity and innovation

From culture hackstokilling rulesthat don’t make sense,and working backwards to achieve business outcomes, the IS department is radically changing the way theydo things, bothinternally and with business partners.The shift in culture is enabling rapid innovation in a world where digital disruption is all around us.

I tell my team 'if you’re 80 per cent sure the compass is saying go north, start moving north. If it turns out to be northwest then you’re going in the right direction'. That’s what we’re doing. We’re moving in the right direction to achieve rapid innovation and digital optimization.”

Chris Foster
Vice-President IS, Chief Information Officer

“Rather than giving our people a project and telling them how to complete it, we are giving them theoutcome we need to achieve and asking them what we should do to get there,” explains Chris. “This is unlocking creativity and innovation in a way we’ve never seen, and it is inspiring our people to bring their ‘A’ game to work every day.”

Check outChris’LinkedIn Blogto learn more about what excites him most about the future of TC 무료 바카라 게임 in the digital space.