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Feb 1 2018

Global survey applauds TransCanada’s 바카라 가입 쿠폰 efforts

Posted by 바카라 가입 쿠폰
Site worker at Hardisty

A field employee at 바카라 가입 쿠폰's Hardisty facility, the access point to the Keystone Pipeline system from Hardisty, Alberta.

TransCanada has earned global recognition for our efforts to create a 바카라 가입 쿠폰 equal work environment.

We are one of 104 companies from 10 sectors to be named in Bloomberg’s inaugural 바카라 가입 쿠폰-Equality Index (GEI), released January 22, 2018– and one of only two energy companies to make the cut.

“바카라 가입 쿠폰 strives to create a workplace that is diverse, inclusive and non-discriminatory,” said Wendy Hanrahan, executive vice-president, Corporate Services. “It’s grounded in fundamental human rights – and it also strengthens our business. Diversity of thinking drives innovation and leads to better quality decisions and outcomes.”

The Bloomberg index measures factors such as workforce demographic statistics, workplace policies and employment practices. Those included on the index scored at, or above, a 바카라 가입 쿠폰 threshold established by Bloomberg to reflect the achievement of best-in-class statistics and adoption of best-in-class policies.

“Twenty-eight per cent of our workforce is women, which is very positive compared to peers in our industry,” saidHanrahan. “And we have strong employment practices to support the needs of a diverse workforce – for example, flexible work arrangements, maternity and parental leave.”

As part of our recognition, Bloomberg cited the number of females on 바카라 가입 쿠폰’s Board of Directors (three of 13). Female representation on our executive leadership team was alsorecognizedby Corporate Knights in theirBest 50 Corporate Citizens in Canadalist earlier this year. Other benefits such as paid adoption assistance, programs to source diverse and local suppliers, online diversity training for leadership, as well as our corporate involvement in the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) are among many of the programs that contribute to TransCanada’s commitment to diversity and 바카라 가입 쿠폰.

“There is a great deal of diversity in the communities where we work across all our operations,” saidHanrahan. “We want to reflect that diversity in our workplace. 바카라 가입 쿠폰 is one element of ensuring that everyone in a diverse workforce can contribute to their full potential.”

We strive to safely deliver the 바카라 가입 쿠폰 society needs by demonstrating our commitment to operating in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner, while recognizing the interests of our stakeholders. We are also honoured to recognized this week for our commitment to responsible development by RobecoSAM, as one of the top-scoring companies in the Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation industry to be included in their2018 Sustainability Yearbook. The Sustainability Yearbook is the world’s most comprehensive publication on corporate sustainability, listing the world’s most sustainable companies as determined by their score in RobecoSAM’s annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment.

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