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Aug 10 2016

A good neighbour in bad times

Posted by TransCanada
On the ground where it counts: A 바카라 조작 work crew clears fallen timber after the tornado.

On the ground where it counts: A TransCanada work crew clears fallen timber after the tornado.

Tornado relief for Long Plain first nation

On July 23, 2016, anF1 tornadotouched down south of Portage la Prairie. The stormlevelledtrees, flipped cars and demolished homes throughout southern Manitoba, including in the community of Long Plain First Nation.

Pitching in to help a community in need

While our own infrastructure was unaffected by the massive storm, we were conscious that many people of Long Plain were not so lucky.

In addition to the physical destruction, the town lost power for 48 hours and hundreds of people had to be evacuated. In response, we did what any good neighbour would do – we pitched in to lend a hand.

After conferring with community leaders, TransCanada began distributing emergency generators, first-aid kits, mini-flashlights, food gift cards and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to help First Nation responders in their efforts.

Giving back

Afterward, TransCanada also helped assess the long-term needs of the community through ourCommunity Investmentprogram.

According to TransCanada Aboriginal Liaison Steve Loney, it’s all part of “Giving back to the communities that we operate in.”

Loney himself was instrumental in organizing a cleanup crew to clear trees from a farmer’s fence, so that the farmer could make repairs and keep his livestock contained.

“Of all the agencies we worked with on this emergency, TransCanada provided the most timely and meaningful assistance.” - Craig Blacksmith, Housing Advisor, Dakota Plains First Nation.

While we might never be able to predict when a natural disaster will strike, we’ll always be there for our communities.