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Oct 11 2016

Working with first responders to protect water

Posted by TransCanada

Howwe're helping keep Trout Lake safe

With a name like Trout Lake, it's no surprise the pristine 14-kilometrelake in eastern Ontario is renowned for its fishing. Be it walleye, bass, northern pike or lake trout, this forested body of water holds remarkable aquatic discoveries for both anglers and nature lovers alike.

Working with first responders to protect 바카라 게임 사이트 | TransCanada

So it's also no surprise that Grant Love, Fire Chief in nearby North Bay cares about that lake, and the safety of North Bay's citizens. Like most Ontarians, he wants to ensure all industries operating near bodies of water keep safety, front of mind. (In his case, the 바카라 게임 사이트 East Pipeline, which will pass through his community.)

TransCanada's commitment

"I'd say TransCanada has shown us that they are definitely committed to safety," says Love. “They've gone above and beyond in trying to show us exactly what it is that they want to do and how they would do it, and if we have any questions they’re always open and honest with their answers."

He'd know. To date, Love has taken part in some of the 125 emergency exercises we’ve held across our pipeline routes each year.

Practice makes perfect on 바카라 게임 사이트 East

In addition to our partnerships with people such as Fire Chief Love, we’ve also met with representatives from 166 first-responder organizations across the East 바카라 게임 사이트 route to start developing the emergency response plans.

According to John Van Der Put, Vice-President, Stakeholder Safety and Emergency Response, 바카라 게임 사이트 East Pipeline, it's all part of good planning.

"By the end of 2016, we will have met with first responder organizations — specifically fire departments and emergency management coordinators — from every community along the route."

"As well, we've had over 1,500 participants take part in 24 Safety and Emergency Response Information Days we’ve hosted along the project route. We’re fully committed to the safety and wellbeing of communities and the environment."

Transparency is key

And while protecting water and staying in touch with first responders is a top priority for TransCanada, so is open dialogue with all 바카라 게임 사이트 East stakeholders.

"We want to answer your questions," says Van Der Put. "Whether it's in person, through email or using our newly launchedQuestion and Answer portal, we're here to make sure you get answers to the important questions you have about 바카라 게임 사이트 East."