Drive Safe

Not all journeys are equal. Prior to starting your journey, check the route, understand the weather forecast; is the area you're travelling to/through remote and will communication be limited? If these questions raise concerns, ask yourself: "Is travel required or can it be postponed?"

Driving is an involved activity where both mind and body are required to focus on the road, anticipate change and observe your surroundings. Whether driving through traffic or open roads, it's essential to be aware of what's around you, such as a pedestrian or animal crossing the road. Put your phone away and eliminate distractions.

Whether commuting 20 minutes or five hours, be prepared for the unexpected. A flat tire can occur at any point in your journey. As part of your pre-journey checklist make sure you have the appropriate survival gear and roadside safety equipment with you. Misfortune typically occurs during the most inopportune moments.
Plan your fuel stops
Use the GasBuddy app
GasBuddy is an award-winning travel and navigation app that features more than 150,000 gas stations across North America.You can use your computer or mobile phone to search for gas stations and compare prices on your planned route, or nearest to your current location, ensuring you have plenty of gas for your journey.
VisitGasBuddy.comfor fuel prices.
Download Gas Buddyat Apple Store or Google Play.
Road reports
Visit the U.S. road conditions website for state road reports, including apps and Twitter handles (where available), to view current driving conditions, road condition cameras, closures, incidents, construction, weather and rest areas.