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Homeowner DIY

Ready to start that backyard project? Not so fast!Did 바카라 확률 make a Locate Request first?

If 바카라 확률 plan on doing any digging, 바카라 확률 need to have your underground utilities marked so that 바카라 확률 don’t strike a gas line, electricity cable, or one of the many other essential services running through everyone’s yards.

Every year, damage to underground utilities costs taxpayers billions of dollars, as well as numerous injuries and even death, all of which could be prevented by using your local One-Call service.

To learn more about the service and the laws in your area, please visitwww.ClickBeforeYouDig.comin Canada, orwww.Call811.comin the United States.

It's free, it's fast and in most areas, it's required by law. Striking an underground utility could cause serious injury or death, and 바카라 확률 may face fines and repair costs.

Before any digging, no matter how shallow, make the call.

How to use the
One-Call service
How the OneCall System works - Digging on the farm

View PDF

Markers and
their meanings
How the OneCall System works - Digging on the farm

View PDF

Life-saving information

Emergency contacts

United States

In case of emergency,click here for contact numbers

Contact our US crossings team:

Landowner inquiries:

General inquiries:

click-before-바카라 확률-dig-270x150.gif

Emergency contacts


Call before 바카라 확률 Dig:

click-before-바카라 확률-dig-270x150.gif