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Opportunities for students and grads

Not all student programs are the same. At TC 카지노 슬롯 머신, we’re looking for students and new grads who bring innovative ideas and a unique perspective to help us solve some of the most pressing 카지노 슬롯 머신 challenges.

During an internship or co-op at TC 카지노 슬롯 머신 you will:

  • Gain meaningful work experience and real-world skills
  • Learn to look at problems from different perspectives and innovate past challenges
  • Contribute to the 카지노 슬롯 머신 transition
  • Gain industry insight from experienced mentors
  • Be part of a tight knit and supportive team
  • Build your professional network
  • Give back to the community

As a valued member of our team, you’ll do hands-on work, learn by working closely with other skilled people at TC 카지노 슬롯 머신 and contribute to solving the 카지노 슬롯 머신 challenges of the future.

This may be the first job of your career – and the start of an amazing future.

Apply now for 2023

Fraud Alert: TC 카지노 슬롯 머신 is aware that some job seekers have received false recruitment offers from individuals or organizations —Learn more

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Student stories

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카지노 슬롯 머신

Students unleash innovation

Applications for our Canada and U.S. student programs are currently open, Apply today!

카지노 슬롯 머신

Kick-start your career at TC 카지노 슬롯 머신

We’re back on campus—virtually! 2022 recruiting is now under way.


A win-win partnership for students and employer

Landing a summer job related to their area of interest is not always an easy feat for students – but this year, throw in a pandemic, and locking down a solid summer job became an even bigger struggle. Through our decade-long partnership with Community Futures Treaty Seven (CFT7) – a non-profit organization focused on economic development, training and employment with Treaty 7 First Nations – TC 카지노 슬롯 머신 hired two CFT7 summer students who have been working with us this summer. Since 2010, our Indigenous Relations and Talent Acquisition departments have teamed up to support CFT7 on a variety of initiatives, including employment symposiums, a youth advisory committee and as a partner employer in its First Nations Summer Career Placement Program.

A win-win partnership for 바카라 추천 사이트 and employer

From self-taught HTML coder to sought-after intern

For many post-secondary students, it’s easy to define success – a high grade point average (GPA) and a job offer after graduation. For some students, like Sandeep Sidhu, measuring success goes one step further and includes the experiences along the way that enrich our perspectives and build a well-rounded skillset.


PLATO Indigenous Software Testing interns share their experience at TC 카지노 슬롯 머신

When you hear of Plato, you might think back to the innovative philosopher of Ancient Greece who created the first university in the world. In the Information Technology (IT) world; however, PLATO is an Indigenous Software Testing company that develops and employs Indigenous software testers across Canada, providing rewarding and sustainable careers in remote communities.


From summer student to millwright apprentice

Some people might say that if you work at a large company, it’s easier to become lost in the crowd – but for Anthony Crowshoe, his experience working at the Airdrie office was more of a small company feel.


Field intern brings real-world insights back to campus

Gage Jaeger is back on campus as a sophomore at North Dakota State University, after he spent the summer working with our field operations team in Mandan, ND on the Northern Border Pipeline.

바카라 이기는 법 intern brings real-world insights back to campus

Intern experiences hands-on learning in the field

In August, Avery Foret wrapped up the final weeks of her 16-month field engineering internship in Crossfield, AB. Now, she is back on campus at the University of Calgary to complete her mechanical engineering degree with a new perspective on the ‘real-world’ application of her studies.


Reaping the rewards of a quality internship

Madison Heeg, a sophomore in electrical engineering at the Colorado School of Mines, recently worked as a quality assurance intern in our Houston office. She gained valuable work experience, broadened her knowledge of the industry, and developed strong connections and friendships.