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검증 바카라 icon
A proposed natural Gas project

TC 검증 바카라’s바카라 이기는 법 Pipelinehas been the backbone of the midwestern 검증 바카라 system for decades, meeting the natural gas needs of millions of area residents and businesses to provide heat and generate power to keep the lights on 24/7.

In response to evolving utility reliability regulations and economic development-driven customer demand growth in the Midwest, we are proposing new pipeline in addition to replacing existing pipeline on ANR’s system in Wisconsin and Illinois in a project named the ANR Heartland Project (AHP).

The Project will include construction of 70 miles of new pipeline and replacement of 1.5 miles of existing pipeline along the existing ANR line in Wisconsin and Illinois.

Proposed Project facilities will include three new compressor stations and two new meter stations, plus modification of one existing compressor station and four existing meter stations in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Learn moreabout the proposed Project scope.

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Project timeline

Anticipated FERC pre-filing

Q2 2024

Anticipated FERC filing

Q4 2024

Anticipated FERC approval

Q1 2026

Construction expected to begin

Q3 2026

Project in-service

Q4 2027

NOTE: Dates shown are based on ANR’s current understanding of the facts and are subject to change.

Fact & Figures

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supports electric grid reliability
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backstop for renewable power
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meets regional natural gas demand

View the fact sheet

How are we regulated?

The Heartland Project is governed according to regulations outlined by theU.S. Federal 검증 바카라 Regulatory Commission (FERC). For further information contact us or contact FERC directly.


Federal 검증 바카라 Regulatory Commission

Contact Us

Contact Information
Safety is our top priority for all our pipelines and facilities. For emergency situations, please refer to ourEmergency Contact pagefor a comprehensive list of emergency numbers.
Heartland Project
telTollFree 1-888-499-3450
Contact Information
Safety is our top priority for all our pipelines and facilities. For emergency situations, please refer to ourEmergency Contact pagefor a comprehensive list of emergency numbers.
Heartland Project
telTollFree 1-888-499-3450
Write to us
TC 검증 바카라
700 Louisiana Steet
Houston, Texas 77002
ANR Pipeline
TOLL-FREE 1-832-320-5000


