Mar 7, 2025
Aaron's Test Page
The proposed Cedar Link Project will connect to and receive natural gas from Coastal GasLink for delivery to the Cedar LNG Project, a proposed floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility in Kitimat, BC, owned by Haisla Nation and Pembina Pipeline Corporation, within the traditional territory of the Haisla Nation.
The Cedar Link Project includes an approximately 10 km pipeline and a new meter station that is owned by Coastal Gaslink and operated by TC 바카라 시스템 배팅.
The Project is in the early stages of planning and engineering on the additional facilities required to support the Cedar LNG Project with plans to file applications with the BC Oil & Gas Commission (BC OGC) for the new pipeline and meter station in early 2022.
Project details
In order to deliver natural gas from Coastal GasLink to Cedar LNG, the following components are being considered as part of the proposed Cedar Link Project:
- Proposed Cedar Link Pipeline: an approximately 10 km pipeline starting from the Coastal GasLink Kitimat Meter Station and joining the Cedar LNG project via a connection point in the District of Kitimat, B.C. The pipeline will follow the existing Coastal GasLink pipeline route where practical and technically feasible.
- Proposed Cedar Link Meter Station: a new meter station is required to measure the gas that will flow to Cedar LNG. The Cedar Link meter station will be located adjacent to the existing Coastal GasLink Kitimat Meter Station within the District of Kitimat.
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Guided by our values
Our Business
For more than 70 years, TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 has proudly operated pipelines, storage facilities and power-generation plants that support life in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. Our facilities operate safely, reliably and quietly. Explore our core operations below.
바카라 시스템 배팅 SOLUTIONS
Positioned to be the most trusted and reliable resource of carbon-free 바카라 시스템 배팅 for North America’s industrial, oil and natural gas sectors.
93,300 km (57,900 miles) of pipeline and more than 653 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of natural gas storage in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.
4,900-km (3,000-mile) pipeline network supplying Alberta crude oil to U.S. markets in Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas and the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Investments in seven power-generation facilities with a capacity of 4,200 megawatts, enough to power more than four million homes.

Our stories
Our story is seven decades in the making. See how we positively impact communities, the economy, and the 바카라 시스템 배팅 industry.

We aim to be the premier 바카라 시스템 배팅 infrastructure company in North America.
Sustainable development and long-term success
At its core, TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 provides an important part of the foundation that allows North Americans to live comfortable lives and enable their businesses to thrive. We transport the 바카라 시스템 배팅 required to heat, cool and light buildings, to get people where they need to go, and to maintain high standards of medical care, education, telecommunications, science and technology.
Sustainability at TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 means meeting today’s 바카라 시스템 배팅 needs while safely, reliably and economically finding responsible solutions for our 바카라 시스템 배팅 future.
This is not something new to us; rather, it’s a continuous evolution of our principled approach to creating enduring economic and societal value while protecting the planet.
Read more on our approach to sustainable development in our2020 Report on Sustainability.
Strategic priorities
An industry-leading safety record. A 99.999% safe delivery rate. And we still believe we can do better. Rigorous training and emergency preparation means we’re always prepared for unlikely events.
Economic success
Since 2000, we have grown our asset base from billion to over 0 billion. At the same time, we have delivered a 12 percent average annual total shareholder return, with a sustainable and growing dividend.
Protecting the environment
Our ongoing goal is to responsibly manage our environmental footprint. That means we are always working to reduce our land consumption and water use, and investing in low or emission-less 바카라 시스템 배팅 sources.
Supporting communities
Positively contributing to the communities where we live and work is important to us. That’s why in 2020 we invested more than C.6 million to over 2,500 different initiatives or scholarships across over 1,040 communities across North America.
Our stats
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Board size
Independent directors
Women on our Board
Board interlocks
Statement of corporate governance
The board and the members of TC 바카라 시스템 배팅's management are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. TC 바카라 시스템 배팅's corporate governance practices comply with the governance rules of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), those of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), applicable to foreign issuers and those mandated by the United States Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX).
TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 is in compliance with the CSA's National Instrument 52-110 pertaining to audit committees (Canadian Audit Committee Rules). TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 is also in compliance with National Policy 58-201, Corporate Governance Guidelines, and National Instrument 58-101, Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices (collectively, the Canadian Governance Guideline).
Corporate governance guidelines
The board has formally adopted and published a set of Corporate Governance Guidelines, which affirm TC 바카라 시스템 배팅's commitment to maintaining a high standard of corporate governance. The guidelines address the structure and composition of the board and its committees and also provide guidance to both the board and management in clarifying their respective responsibilities.
The board's strengths include: an independent, non-executive Chair; well informed and experienced directors, who ensure that standards exist to promote ethical behaviour throughout TC 바카라 시스템 배팅; effective board size; director share ownership requirements; and annual assessment of board, committee and individual director effectiveness.
Our board of directors

Siim A. Vanaselja, Board Chair
Director since 2014, Independent

Siim A. Vanaselja, Board Chair
Director since 2014, Independent
Mr. Vanaselja is a corporate director. He is currently the Chair of the Board of TC 바카라 시스템 배팅. He also serves on the board of directors of Great-West Lifeco Inc., Power Corporation of Canada and RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust.
Mr. Vanaselja was the Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of BCE Inc. and Bell Canada (telecommunications and media) from January 2001 to June 2015. Prior to joining BCE Inc., he was a partner at the accounting firm KPMG Canada in Toronto.
Mr. Vanaselja previously served as a member of the Conference Board of Canada’s National Council of Financial Executives, the Corporate Executive Board’s working council for Chief Financial Officers and Moody’s Council of Chief Financial Officers. During the period of the 2008 global financial crisis, he was a member of the Minister of Finance’s Special Advisory Committee to address the continued functioning of financial and credit markets in Canada.
He is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors and a fellow of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario. He holds an Honours Bachelor of Business degree from the Schulich School of Business. His community involvement has included work with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto, St. Mary’s Hospital, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Québec and the annual Walk for Kids Help Phone.
TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 Committee memberships
• Governance Committee
• Human Resources Committee
Other public board directorships
• Great-West Lifeco Inc. (financial services) (TSX)
• Power Corporation of Canada (financial services) (TSX)
• RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust (real estate) (TSX)
2021 | 2020 | |
Common shares | 12,000 | 12,000 |
Deferred share units | 54,797 | 40,407 |

Stéphan Crétier
Director since 2017, Independent

Stéphan Crétier
Director since 2017, Independent
Mr. Crétier is the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of GardaWorld Security Corporation (GardaWorld) (private security services). He is also a director of a number of GardaWorld’s direct and indirect subsidiaries.
Mr. Crétier has previously served as a director of ORTHOsoft Inc. (formerly ORTHOsoft Holdings Inc.) (medical software technology) from August 2004 to November 2004, a director of BioEnvelop Technologies Corp. (manufacturing) from 2001 to 2003 and as a director, President and Chief Executive Officer of Rafale Capital Corp. (manufacturing) from 1999 to 2001. He plays an active role as a board member of several organizations, including the Montréal Economic Institute, a leading free market thinktank, and the Ligue Internationale des Sociétés de Surveillance. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of the Hirshhorn Museum, a Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
In 2007, Mr. Crétier was honoured by the Canadian Cancer Society for his exceptional contribution to its mission and in 1998 he was named Young Entrepreneur of the Year by the Québec Young Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Crétier holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of California (Pacific).
TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 Committee memberships
• Governance Committee
• Human Resources Committee
2021 | 2020 | |
Common shares | 27,271 | 27,271 |
Deferred share units | 19,706 | 12,609 |

Michael R. Culbert
Director since 2020, Independent

Michael R. Culbert
Director since 2020, Independent
Mr. Culbert currently serves on the board of directors for Precision Drilling Corporation (oil and gas services) since 2017.
Mr. Culbert previously served as a director for Enerplus Corporation (oil and gas, exploration and production) from 2014 to 2020 and a director and Vice Chair of PETRONAS Canada Ltd. from 2016 to 2020. He has also previously served as a director and President of Pacific NorthWest LNG LP (2013 to 2017). He is a former co-founder, director, President and CEO of Progress 바카라 시스템 배팅 Ltd. (oil and gas, exploration and production) from 2004 to 2016 and, prior to that, he was the Vice-President, Marketing and Business Development from 2001 to 2004. He has also held positions as a Vice President of Marketing and Business Development with Encal 바카라 시스템 배팅 (1995 to 2001) and as a Director of Marketing and other executive management positions with Home Oil Company and its successor companies (1980
to 1995).
Mr. Culbert is a patron of the Shaw Charity Classic, which since its inception in 2013 has successfully raised funds for over 200 children and youth charities in Alberta. He is also a founding member of the Creative Destruction Lab 바카라 시스템 배팅 stream at the University of Calgary, Haskayne School of Business.
In 2019, Mr. Culbert was awarded the 2019 Distinguished Business Leader - Recognizing Ethical Leadership from the University of Calgary Haskayne School of Business and the Calgary Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Culbert holds a Bachelor of Science Business Administration Degree from Emmanuel College in Boston, Massachusetts.
TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 Committee memberships
• Audit Committee
• Health, Safety, Sustainability and Environment Committee
Other public board directorships
• Precision Drilling Corporation (oil and gas reserves) (TSX/NYSE)
2021 | 2020 | |
Common shares | 5,500 | 5,500 |
Deferred share units | 3,383 | - |
Board of Directors FAQs
Roles and responsibilities of the board
The board’s primary responsibilities are to foster TC 바카라 시스템 배팅’s long-term success, oversee our business and affairs and management, and to act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of TC 바카라 시스템 배팅. The board’s main objective is to promote our best interests, to maximize long-term shareholder value and to enhance shareholder returns.
The board has key duties and responsibilities, delegates some duties to its four standing committees and discharges others to management for the day-to-day affairs of the business.
Board renewal
The Governance committee regularly assesses the skill set of each director, and reviews it against the director retirement schedule, their ages and the composition of each committee. The review also takes into account the desirability of maintaining a reasonable diversity of backgrounds, and character and behavioural qualities such as integrity.
The Governance committee, with input from the Chair of the Board and the CEO, is responsible for identifying suitable director candidates, and canvasses the entire Board for potential nominees. The committee also uses a third-party recruitment specialist to identify potential director candidates. The committee is responsible for assessing the individuals and proposing the strongest candidates for nomination. An evolving roster of suitable director candidates is maintained by the committee.
The committee looks for a mix of skills and experience required for overseeing our business and affairs. The Board considers personal characteristics such as gender, ethnic background and geographic residence when looking at diversity. While candidates are nominated as directors based on their background and ability to contribute to the Board and committee meetings, the Board also specifically considers gender diversity.
Candidates who are being nominated for the first time must have experience in industries similar to ours, or experience in general business management or with corporations that are similar in size and scope. Candidates must also be willing to serve on the Board, able to devote the necessary time to fulfill their duties and responsibilities and be under 73 years old.
The committee recommends potential candidates based on their qualifications and independence and how these qualities balance with the skill set of the current Board, the structure and composition of the committees and the director retirement schedule. This assessment helps the Board determine the best mix of skills and experience to guide our business operations and our long-term strategy.
The committee ensures that the board seeks expertise in the following key areas:
- Accounting/audit
- Human resources & compensation
- Capital markets
- Major projects
- Mergers & acquisitions
- Electric power
- Operations/health, safety, sustainability & environment
- 바카라 시스템 배팅, midstream & transportation
- Risk management
- Governance
- Strategy & leading growth
- Government & regulatory
- Upstream oil & gas
Independence of directors
An independent board is a fundamental principle of governance. The Board believes that the majority of our directors must be independent in accordance with applicable Canadian legal requirements and guidelines, and consistent with the applicable independence criteria of the regulations of the SEC and rules of the NYSE.
The Governance committee and the Board review the independence of each Board member at least once a year. The Board considers whether directors serving on boards of non-profit organizations which receive donations from TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 post any potential conflict. The Governance committee also reviews family relationships and associations with companies that have relationships with TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 when it reviews director independence.
The Board has determined that 13 of 14 or 93 per cent of the directors are independent. Mr. Poirier is not independent because of his role as President and CEO.
Other than as noted above, none of the directors have a direct or indirect material relationship with TC 바카라 시스템 배팅 that could reasonably be expected to interfere with the exercise of his or her independent judgment.
The Board believes that it is important for it to be composed of qualified, diverse and knowledgeable directors. Due to the specialized nature of the 바카라 시스템 배팅 infrastructure business, some of our directors can be associated with or sit on the boards of companies that ship natural gas or liquids through our pipeline systems. Transmission services on most of TC 바카라 시스템 배팅’s pipeline systems in Canada and the U.S. are subject to regulation and, accordingly, we generally cannot deny transportation services to a creditworthy shipper. The Governance committee monitors relationships among directors to ensure that business associations do not affect the Board’s performance.
In circumstances where a director declares a material interest in any material contract or material transaction being considered at a meeting, the director is not present during the discussion and does not vote on the matter.
Financial literacy of directors
The board has determined that all of the members of its Audit Committee are financially literate. An individual is financially literate if he or she has the ability to read and understand a set of financial statements that present a breadth and level of complexity of accounting issues that are generally comparable to the breadth and complexity of the issues that can reasonably be expected to be raised by TC 바카라 시스템 배팅's financial statements.
How are we regulated?
If you would like further information regarding the Canada 바카라 시스템 배팅 Regulatory's (CER) regulatory process, we can provide you with information or you can contact theregulatordirectly.