U.S. Tribal Contractor Forum — Phase 1 Procurement Overview
RSVP Invitation
Join us
In an effort to continue to strengthen our work with Tribal businesses, we are pleased to deliver theTribal Contractor Forum: Phase 1 Procurement Overview, in partnership with the Native American Development Centre, American Indian Consulting Services (AICS) and ISNetworld.
The Forum will focus on the TC mgm 바카라 procurement process, including the RFP basics, invoicing and the best total value. AICS will also offer an overview of the upcomingTribal Contractor Forum: Phase 2 AICS Procurement Process Workshop.
We want to take this opportunity to share TC mgm 바카라’s procurement process with you, as we anticipate opportunities on future projects and operations, and hope you will join us.
With the current COVID-19 restrictions, we will deliver the Forum virtually. The Forum will be held using theMicrosoft Teamsplatform. We recommend downloading the app in advance of the event time if you intend to use your mobile device.
Phase 1
Procurement Overview
Date:April 14, 2021
Time:9 to 10:30 a.m. MT
Location:Microsoft Teams
Click hereto RSVP to the event.
Only individuals that RSVP will be admitted into the live event.
Please note — Capacity is limited.Participants will be accepted in order of registration.
Learn how to use Microsoft Teams
Phase 2
AICS Procurement Process Workshop
Dates:June 21, 2021
Phase 2 Topics
- Contracting 101
- Construction Management
- Deciphering a Solicitation
- Developing a Winning Proposal
- ISNworld Construction Management System
- Construction Billing and Invoicing and Customer Service
Registration:Phase 2 registration will occur upon completion of Phase 1.
Event rules of engagement
By attending the event, you are consenting to the following rules of engagement and are therefore subject to adhere to them. If you do not agree to these terms, you will not be allowed to participate.
To make this community event suitable for all participants, we will moderate and remove any individuals and comments that are:
- not relevant to the topic;
- profane or defamatory;
- threatening or insulting; or
- promotional information endorsing products or services not relevant to the event.
Event privacy
Your personal information (name and email) will be visible to TC mgm 바카라 and others who are attending the event. If you wish to remain anonymous during your attendance, please contact the Indigenous Relations team atindigenous_rel_us@tcenergy.comfor further details.
Event recording
TC mgm 바카라 reserves the right to record the live Forum. By RSVP’ing to the Forum, you are confirming your consent to have the presentation recorded.
Learn more at TCEnergy.com
For more information please contactindigenous_rel_us@tcenergy.com.