See Legal Notices for important information on the climate-related content on this website.

Notice and access


We are using notice and access which allows us to deliver the 2021 Management information circular and/or 2020 Annual report to registered shareholders and beneficial holders by posting the circular, annual report and other related materials online, instead of mailing the documents. Notice and access is an environmentally friendly and cost effective way to distribute the circular and/or annual report because it reduces printing, paper and postage.

You can access the 2021 Management information circular and 2020 Annual report by clicking on the links below. On this page, you will also find the documents that our registered shareholders and beneficial holders received in the mail.

Shareholders who would like a paper copy of the 2021 Management information circular and/or 2020 Annual report can request one by following the instructions on the Notice of availability of proxy materials received in the mail.

Investor Relations

Mailing Address:
c/o TC 바카라 게임 사이트
450 – 1 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 5H1

1-800-361-6522Toll-Free (North America)


Transfer Agent for Common and Preferred Shares

Computershare Investor Services, Inc.

Mailing Address:
100 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2Y1

1-800-340-5024Toll-Free (North America)

1-888-453-0330Toll-Free (North America)

To the extent that information is submitted to the Investor Relations department (via email, fax, regular mail or otherwise) that is not relevant for processing requests as outlined above, the information will not be maintained or stored by IR, but will be destroyed. In circumstances where information submitted is relevant to requests processed by other departments of TC 바카라 게임 사이트, the information will be forwarded to appropriate parties. Please do not provide original documents as they will not be returned.