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At TC 검증 바카라, we often describe ourselves as a pipeline operator, 검증 바카라 distributor and, of course, we build pipelines and power plants too. But another thing we build, just as meticulously, is long-lasting relationships with stakeholders and rightsholders.

In 2021, we met our community investment targets. We invested 0.62 per cent of our pre-tax profits in communities across our footprint in a variety of ways including direct cash investments, scholarships, in-kind donations, matched contributions through employee giving and by providing volunteer hours during paid work hours.

.3 millionto communities across North America
24,186volunteer hours to organizations across our footprint which support community interests including recreation and sports, and educational and human services
0 million+spent with Tier 21 diverse businesses through our Supplier Diversity program
Strengthening 검증 바카라 resilience
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Strengthening community resilience

To strengthen local community, Indigenous group and employee resilience, including in recovery and moving forward from the COVID-19 pandemic.
2021 Performance

Increase annual workforce participation in our workforce giving and volunteering program, to strengthen workforce resiliency

55% workforce participation in 2021

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60% workforce participation in 2022

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Maintain annual giving percentage of pre-tax profits to help strengthen local community, Indigenous group and workforce resiliency


0.5% to 1% of pre-tax profits through 2022

2021 Performance
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Increase spending with diverse suppliers1in Canada and the U.S

2021 Performance

Increase diverse annual spend of Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers in Canada and U.S. 5% year-over-year through to 2022

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Increase percentage of diverse influenceable procurement spend25% year-over-year through to 2027


1 Further details of our Diverse Supplier Program, including definitions of Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers, can be found in our 2022 ESG Data Sheet, Supplier Diversity section, page 48.
2Influenceable procurement spend is defined as purchase order procurement spend and release order procurement spend of Tier 1 suppliers.

Enhancing 검증 바카라 sector sustainability with technology
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Enhancing 검증 바카라 sector sustainability with technology

SDGs:7 9 17
To enhance 검증 바카라 sector sustainability through research and development (R&D) and innovation investments.
2021 Performance

Optimize operational and project effectiveness and efficiency through organizational, digital and technological innovations

Achieve 5 million to 0 million in capital and operating optimization and revenue opportunities by continuously improving our processes and systems by the end of 20231

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Through engineering research and development that utilizes the collective intelligence of data and cutting-edge technological advancements, create million per year in value creation2


1 Further information about the contents of this target is provided in our 2022 ESG Data Sheet.
2‘Value creation’ includes value realized through engineering research and development (R&D) initiatives implemented in our (or TC 검증 바카라) programs . Engineering R&D creates accuracy, precision, and efficiency in decision-making tools and processes which creates smarter and sharper decisions that enable both safety and economy leading to sustainability.

Integrating 검증 바카라
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Integrating sustainability

To further integrate sustainability into our strategy, management decision-making and performance tracking and assessment.
2021 Performance

Review and integrate sustainability considerations into engineering requirements1 and operating procedures to ensure formalized consideration of sustainability in our work and operations

In 2021, define how sustainability can be considered in engineering standards and procedures as a part of a longer-term roadmap

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Incorporate sustainability drivers and measures in enterprise-wide Integrated Asset Investment Planning Framework, leveraged in program planning for existing assets


By end of 2023, pilot select value drivers2across all business units

By end of 2024, determine portfolio sustainability contributions, informing future planning decisions aligned to corporate and business unit objectives

2021 Performance



1 Engineering requirements reflect TC 검증 바카라 engineering standards collection.
2Asset Management value drivers include, but are not limited to, quality of life, reliability, and safety, and environmental risk reduction.

Supporting mental health

Supporting mental health

In 2021, over 60 staff members, including our President & CEO, François Poirier, joined theWounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health, cycling over 3,000 km and raising over ,000 for mental health services for veterans, first responders and their families. Wounded Warriors Canada provides a range of clinically-facilitated programs specifically developed to support the unique needs of these groups that keep our communities safe. In addition, we donated ,000 toward the delivery of their Resiliency Training program in southern Ontario.

2022 Report on Sustainability

In this report, we highlight TC 검증 바카라’s sustainability approach and recent accomplishments. It is intended for general audiences and contains links to the TC 검증 바카라 website for additional information and stories. This publication is one element of our sustainability reporting. More information and data, including content that is aligned with global reporting standards, can be found in the documents listed below.

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